NASD: Fantasy Football

Sup Guys, for those who are interested in the upcoming NFL season, you can always make it more exiting by joining the Fantasy buzz.

I have set up 2 leagues for this upcoming season, one if for the brave and the bold with a $20 buy in (due b4 week 3)

and the other is just for fun to get the experience in.

Anyone is welcome to join, Live draft is at your own, if you guys want to get together, drink some beers, and do it we could set something up. But for now, making it easy on you guys.

League information is at the bottom, let me know if you guys have any questions

To sign up go to
and click the join a league button and enter the League ID# and Password.

Free League (hold)
League Name: Duck Tales
League ID#: 695091
Password: woowoo
Draft Type: Live Online Standard Draft
Unique League Name: nasducktales
Draft Time: Sunday, September 4 at 4:30pm

$20 buy-in (due b4 week 3)
League Name: Not A Single Duck!!
League ID#: 694074
Password: theforce
Draft Type: Live Online Standard Draft
Unique League Name: notasingleduck
Draft Time: Sunday, September 4 at 8:00pm

Click here to join now